Saturday 5 March 2016




Discover how a teenager who has given up on himself made a remarkable turnaround in his education just by reading a book. You too can have access to the same book here and now for your child’s academic transformation. 

Emmanuel Olatoye

Hello sir, My name is Emmanuel Olatoye. One evening, my mum came home with downloaded copy of your book on her iPad for me to read.
Reading was the last thing I wanted to do with an iPad. I love to play games on her iPad. But I thank God I took the pain to read your book. 

As I finished chapter one of the book, I knew my mother has brought what I needed. It was really intriguing and inspiring.
Before reading your book, I have actually given up. I have tried severally to do well in my studies but all my efforts proved abortive. And so, I gave up and settled down for the bottom position no one will contest with me. Out of the eighteen students in my class, twice I have taken 18th position.

Right from chapter one, you were able to identify with my challenges. I clearly saw where my problems were – my mindset and using of wrong learning strategies. When I read about ordinary people like me who have been able to overcome their learning challenges, I was more than persuaded that I can change my own story too.
I set a goal to top my class by the next term. That was a very unrealistic goal for a guy of my level but your book has made it clear to me that anything is possible and I was determined to make it a reality.
I didn’t achieve it but I moved from 18th position to 6th position. That further reinforced my belief in myself. I worked harder following different learning strategies I read from your book, by the next term, I took first position. Twice now, I have taken first position. Mr. Biodun, I am not a Dullard is the best book I have ever read.

Every story of success is a product of information. A classic example is the story of Richard Branson (the owner of virgin Airline in Britain). He was once rated the eleventh wealthiest Briton. He rose to this position by the information he came across from reading a little book called Small is Beautiful.
Branson dropped out of school at the age of 19 and started business as a newspaper vendor. But the information he gathered from that little book paved the way for his great heights in business.

I also want to introduce to you a piece of information that is capable of changing (for good) your child’s academic performance forever. 

With this information, your child will be able to do extremely well in his or her studies.
I have helped many children to overcome their academic challenges; I can help your child too. And if your child is doing well, he will be able to do better. I believe this is what I am born to do.  

Before I show you the information, I believe a little introduction will be in order. 

My name is Biodun Omosaku, I am a neuro-linguistic specialist and a brain coach. By my training, I know how to help a child to optimize his or her brain potentials. This is what I have been doing for the past ten years; Moving from one school to another, motivating students, showing them different learning strategies.

Many children are not doing really well in their studies. It is not because they have a brain that is different from their other counterparts that are doing well.   

When a child is not doing well in his or her studies, there could only be three reasons for this.


Many children are not doing really well in their studies. It is not because they have a brain that is different from their other counterparts that are doing well. When a child is not doing well in his or her studies, there could only be three reasons for this.

1. He is not being taught the right way. Yes! Sometimes, our children’s school may not be teaching them the way they (our children) are uniquely created to learn.

2. He may not be learning the right way. Yes! There are effective and ineffective learning methods. Unfortunately, most students usually adopt ineffective learning strategies out of mere ignorance.

3. Wrong Attitude to Learning. All thanks to Facebook, WhatsApp, TV, Computer games, laziness and other things that usually hold them back from unleashing their full brain potentials. 

Our solution adequately takes care of these problems. This is not experimentation, it is a proven solution. We have seen many children who have risen from the bottom of the class to begin to top their classes by using this solution. It is not a magic even though it works like a magic, it is the power of information at its best.

Don’t under estimate the extent a child can go with right information, motivation and encouragement. All these are what make our solution tick – our unique learning strategies that are based on latest researches in neuro science, multiple intelligences and quantum learning; our ways of motivating and encouraging the children.

It is my desire that every child will see this book. However, I know I cannot reach every school, every home and every child in a life time, but a book can penetrate more than I can do. That is the reason I have packaged the solution into a book called – I AM NOT A DULLARD.

I didn’t write this book to show off my knowledge and skills, this is a documentary record of what I do, what I tell children, and the strategies I teach students that have been turning many lives around.

This book is not some academic thesis; it is a practical “how to do” book that will teach your child the exact steps and strategies to produce straight 'A's. I have been able to help thousands of students with these principles and strategies. I know they work and I am sure, they are going to work for your child. 

Elizabeth Johnson

Thank you Mr. Biodun for writing this book – I am not a Dullard. You are the angel that God sent to me to liberate me. Sir, I really mean this. Can you be an ordinary man? I doubt it. I read your book (I am not a dullard) about one year ago. As I was reading the book, I just suddenly realized I was created for greatness. Equipped with the strategies you taught in the book, I was determined to succeed. I just felt if other people you wrote about in the book could do it, I can do it also. Quite challenging but to the glory of God, I have achieved my goals. Never again will I also be referred to as a dullard. Thank you Mr. Bee. You liberated me.
Elizabeth Johnson.

Pastor Mrs Debola Macprince is a popular preacher in Africa. Hear what she said about the book.

I downloaded this book for my daughter’s use. But before I gave the book to my daughter, I wanted to be sure of its content. I read through the pages and I knew I have gotten my daughter the best gift any mother could give her daughter. So inspiring and straight to the point. You have done a great job.

Your book did not disappoint me. My daughter did not disappoint me either, her performance changed dramatically. I have since recommended your book to every parent in my church.

Pastor Mrs. Debola Macprince  
  • 10 – Step strategy that guarantees excellent result. 
  • Difference in study methods of the average students and the brilliant students.
  • The first step in becoming a brilliant student is not rigorous reading. Your child will discover the first step.
  • Effective students don’t cram, your child will discover why cramming will not help any learner. What is the difference between cramming and memorization?
  • Brilliant students don’t read from their school notes or textbooks, your child will learn exactly where they read from. It will amaze you.
  • Right brain Vs Left brain. Which one is your child? Which is better? You child will discover answers to all these questions.
  • The teaching method and approach may be the problem; your child will learn what to do when his or her teacher is not teaching the way his own brain is uniquely created to receive information.
  • Learning should not always be boring, your child will discover different methods to turn learning into fun; something he or she will always love to do.
  • Why do some students find it easy to understand in the class while others cannot? Your child will discover powerful strategies to stimulate brain for increased neuro-connections.
  • Your child doesn’t have to hate a “difficult” subject. He will discover exactly what to do with them.
  • There are 6 things that affect proper functioning of the brain every child must avoid. What are they? Why your child must take assignments, homework and projects seriously. The way your child stores information in his or her brain will determine the ease of recalling. Your child will learn the right ways to store information in the brain. Powerful memorization techniques
  • Your child can move to the next level. The secret of becoming a genius is revealed in this book.
  • As a matter of fact, your child can get an immediate improvement in his or her performance. I have included 10 keys for immediate academic improvement.
  • Is your child distracted by Facebook, phone or games? He or she will learn how to use time to pursue academic excellence.
  • Your child will be motivated and inspired by stories of other students who have used these strategies to attain academic excellence. 

When I visit schools for my seminars on this package, I charge $15 per child per module. This book contains the whole principles. $15 in eight places that is $120. But hell NO!

I won’t sell it $100

Not even $20

I won’t charge you $10

I will give you for just $5 for a LIMITED time

You know why?

Because this is my passion. I want every child in every home in every country of the world to have access to this information.

I do not think investment of $5 on your child is too much. 

Trusted and Secured Payment Option 
You are to pay through PayPal. 

Click the link below for immediate download of the book for just $5